As the New Year approaches, we all usually make a list of New Years resolutions. I make one every year around this time. Some minor resolutions and some kinda big ones I guess you could say. I love sharing my thoughts, so of course I’m going to share my hopes for 2020 with you!

  • wake up earlier

  • read 12 books

  • find a new church

  • eat healthier

  • dye my hair

  • order out less

  • keep our place tidy

  • do cardio haha

  • finish my sleeve

  • go to Hawaii

  • use zero disposable coffee cups

  • write more blog posts

  • get more photography jobs

  • go out and take photos just because

  • start up my photography business for real

  • spend quality time with my family

  • be more encouraging to Jerome and his dreams

  • have more intentional date time with Jerome

  • reach my fitness goals and my mini goal in time for my birthday

  • not let fear control me and get out there more (this is a big one!)

    I hope I’ll be able to look back and feel like I accomplished these hopes by the end of 2020.. But for now, let’s start 2020 off with a bang!

    All my love for the new year. Stay safe, and remember that you’re stronger than you think.

    x Melissa