I gotta be honest, I really didn’t cross many things off my 30 before 30 bucket list.. I didn’t even reach half! There are a lot of things on my list that I didn’t even attempt to do or I gave up after a month.. Soo lame of me. I might have to change that list to my 30 after 30 bucket list haha.

Anyway, here’s what I did cross off my 30 before 30 list!

✓ 1) Fly Business Class // Okay, so, we did technically sit in “business class” on a flight, but the flight was like 45 minutes long, it was a tiny plane, and the seats were exactly the same as economy hahaha.

✓ 4) Develop All My Film // I did get all my film developed yesssss!

✓ 7) Get A Facial // Actually doing something for my skin was my top priority, and I actually did it. (stay tuned for a post all about it) I would love to go back and revive my skin again. Travel ain’t so good for them pimples!

✓ 9) Dye My Hair // I dyed my hair literally a week before turning 30! I wasn’t going to do it, but decided to just doooo iittttt because yolo. And yotto (you only turn thirty once) (i just made that up now).

✓ 11) Redecorate My Condo // We didn’t redecorate our entire place, but we did change up our living room. We got a new couch (still Ikea) and a tv stand from Homesense. Oh, we also got a small kitchen table and two chairs to go with it!

✓13) Get Fit // Hmm.. did I get fit? hahah. I feel like I’m even a bit more fit than I was when I first made my 30 before 30 list. My mini goal was to have a noticeable bicep. Do it? Well… it’s very slight, but it is there! So I count this as complete-ish!

✓ 20) Be More Confident // Being more confident is definitely an ongoing process with me. I honestly do feel a bit more confident. I still doubt myself so much, but I do feel like I have a little more faith in myself. As little as it may be.

✓ 25) Eat Lots Of Veggies In Hawaii // Well well well.. I’m currently in Hawaii, soo… I think I’ve checked this one off!

✓ 26) Use Little To No Plastic // I’m still not 100% plastic free. I do try my best, even though I can always do better. I say no to plastic as much as I can.

✓ 28) Fix My Wonky Tooth // My wonky tooth is fixxedddd - I can’t believe it. It changed my confidence so much. I used to be embarrassed to smile and laugh because of my tooth, but now I’m just embarrassed to smile and laugh because I have social anxiety (insert crazy face emoji here).

✓ 29) Buy A New Lens // I did end up getting a couple new lenses for my camera, but my husband always takes them because he gets more work than I do. (hire me pls)


I actually went surfing today in Hawaii (the day after my birthday), and I’m going whale watching tomorrow, so I justtttt missed the cut off for checking those off hahaha.

I do still hope to be able to cross everything off this list eventually, but there’s no rush!

I can’t believe I’m 30.

x Melissa