We love Japan. This was only our second time visiting, but it’s really just so amazing. The culture, the food, the people - everything. Jerome really wanted to go to Japan for his 30th birthday, so off we went! Our trip was 15 days in total, but this post is gonna be all about our 6 days in Tokyo.

Day 1:

On our first full day, we went for an early morning walk around our hotel area. We sat for a little coffee in Hibiya Park before starting the day.

We bought tickets online for teamLab Borderless, and we really enjoyed it. We went to the one in Tokyo, and for this one, you book tickets in advance for a certain time for entry. There wasn’t a crazy amount of people, so it was really nice. teamLab is a digital art museum that has projections, lights, and sometimes water in rooms that you can explore.

It’s full of people taking photos, but there are some areas that are really dark. This teamLab had a couple rooms that you had to roll your pants up to your knees, so make sure to wear proper pants!

DAY 2:

We walked over to Tsukiji Fish Market because last time we liked it so much. Even though we’re vegan, we like walking up and down the stalls seeing everything that was being sold. There was a really cool mug and cute bento box that I wanted but didn’t end up getting. I’ll definitely be going back to buy them the next time we go to Japan haha. We had a really delicious soy matcha latte and cute little mochi. The black sesame was the best one.

After the fish market, we ran off to catch our train to Kyoto. It was a long train ride, but it was fun. We spent the rest of the day in Kyoto, but I’ll be saving Kyoto for another post, so keep your eyes peeled!

Day 3:

We came back to Tokyo after being in Kyoto. We were nearing the end of our trip, so we took it a bit easy. We went to Harajuku in the evening and went back to the place we had the best coffee 4 years ago. It was different now, so I opted outta getting one (I also don’t drink coffee anymore), but Jerome got one and loved it. TBH, I was a bitt moody because I was so hungry, so I didn’t really take many pictures. We didn’t even bring out cameras with us.

DAY 4:

We loved teamLabs so much that we decided to do another one. We did one in Odaiba, and lemme tell you - don’t go to this one. It’s still nice and everything, but there are SOO many people. There were no entrance time slots, so everyone just lines up to go in. The areas/rooms were cool, but there were lines outside of so many of them. If the other teamLab was a 9 out of 10, this one is a 6. Not many photos to share from here because there was just so many people everywhere it kinda ruined it.

We spent the evening wandering around Odaiba, playing in an arcade, crying over cute puppies, and then we headed back to our hotel.

DAY 5:

This was our second to last day in Japan, so we really wanted to take it easy before our big day tomorrow. I requested going back to Asakusa, a temple with a market area that we went to 4 years ago. We had a little wander, drew a terrible fortune, sweated oh so much, and got bubble tea. We then ending up going back to Odaiba, going to Joypolis - don’t recommend going there - and then just walked around a mall, and went to a vintage arcade. (We went to so many arcades oh man lol).

DAY 6:

Because we came to Japan for Jerome’s 30th birthday, he requested that we go to Disneysea on our last day in Tokyo. It was Halloween themed, but there weren’t as many decorations as there were last time we were there. It was 29º and we were a little bit dying. We love going to Disneyland though!

Aaahh, looking back through these photos and remembering everything we did makes me wanna go back so bad! I definitely recommend doing everything we did lol. If you’re curious about so delicious vegan eats in Japan, check out my blog post on The Best Vegan Food We Had In Japan!

If you know of any cool places and things to do in Tokyo, please comment below! I’d love to bookmark them for our next trip back!

x Melissa


ps. fun little thang: the title photo from this post may look v similar to my A Trip To Japan title photo! thought it’d be a fun little comparison to have :)