2020 has been one heck of a year.

At the beginning of the year, I was so determined to make 2020 my year. I was ready to face my fears. I was finally ready to kick start my photography career once and for all. I was ready to start making more money. I was ready to commit to a healthy lifestyle. I was ready to have a year of growth.

I had so many hopes and dreams for 2020 - and they all came crashing down.

Even with all the negativity that 2020 has brought not only to me, but to people all around the world, I’ve learned so much. I’ve learned a lot about myself and who I am as a person.

What 2020 taught me:

I will fight for what’s right

I’ll just say it straight up - Black lives seriously matter. BIPOC matter. I will always stand up against racism.

I’m stronger than I thought I was

I learned that I’m stronger than I thought I was because I have fought for what’s right. I’ve had difficult conversations that I never thought I would have with people I never thought I’d have them with, and it showed me how truly strong I am.

To value myself

I learned that I need to hold value in myself. I refuse to let people walk all over me just because I’m kind. I never valued myself at all before until this year.

Things change, and that’s okay

Things I never imagined changing, changed this year. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the truth. I’ve had a difficult time accepting this one, but I’m moving forward every day.

I am not alone

As alone I’ve felt in losing jobs and having my career basically come to a complete halt, I’m not alone. We’re still in pandemic for goodness sake - I need to give myself grace.

2020 has been the most …soul searching year. I don’t want to classify the year with a negative adjective, and I actually think ‘soul searching’ is very fitting.

I definitely still have much more to learn, but the things I went through this year have taught me a lot that I probably wouldn’t have learned if 2020 didn’t go exactly how it’s gone.

Even with how negative the year has been, I will still always try to find positivity and hope.

I truly hope you have a happy new year, and that 2021 will be less trying for everyone

☼ Melissa