For Christmas, my husband, Jerome, surprised me with a short but sweet trip to Portland, Oregon. We headed out the day after my birthday and stayed at a cute little Airbnb for 3 nights. I had been wanting to go to Portland for a pretty long time. I had always seen people posting such beautiful photos of the scenery and landscapes there that I just had to check it out myself!


On our first full day there, we stocked up on snacks and drinks, hopped into the 4-Runner, took the 101 and headed to Cannon Beach. It was one of the most beautiful scenic drives I've ever taken. It was a chilly rainy day, but it really just made the drive that much more exciting and pretty. The rain on the windshield and the fog in the trees took my breath away.


Our first stop was to see Haystack Rock. We walked along the beach taking photos and no, I didn't notice the tide coming in, and yes, I did get soaked. The water was freezing cold, but it was totally worth it!

We drove a bit further up the coast to catch a view of the ocean. It took a bit of hiking through the mud at Ecola State Park, and I may have ruined the boots my sister got my for my birthday just two days before, but it was really fun.

If you're looking for a seriously awe-inspiring view of the coast, you have to drive along the Oregon Coast. You won't regret it! I hopped out of the car barefoot - my boots and socks were still soaked - and I couldn't believe the view. I've always loved the ocean, and I've never seen it from afar like this. It was just amazing.


Okay, before I sign out: let's talk about coffee for a second. We only got to go to four coffee shops in our time in the PNW, and I only have photos from two. My favourite of the four was Coava Coffee Roasters, my second favourite was Lionheart Coffee Company - my photos are from Heart and Coava - and I can't for the life of me remember what the fourth place was called.

Mmm, now I want a latte!


x Melissa