Last weekend, we went camping in Killbear National Park for 4 days. My family used to go camping soo much when I was younger, so I’m always down to go camping. It’s fun to make more camping memories now that I’m married with my own little family.

We went for a hike on the Lookout Point Trail. It was super hot, so we didn’t go past the lookout point, but apparently there’s a lighthouse that you can hike to if you’re up for it. We didn’t want to push our dog to hike for hours because he’s a winter dog and can overheat really easily. We made sure to stay in the shade as much as possible with him and we brought a huge water bottle just for him.

The trek is fairly easy. There are some minor uphill bits, but I could do it at a slow pace, so I wouldn’t consider it too difficult. Our dog, Producer, was sooo excited about the hike that he pulled for the first half of the hike, and ended up walking a normal pace with us back to the campsite. He must have used up so much energy pulling so hard because he passed out hard when we got back hehe.

We played a lot of cards and board games, we cooked yummy vegan camp food (that I annoyingly don’t have any pictures of), we swatted away too many bugs, we hid from the hot sun. Jerome and I cooked some vegan pesto pasta with beyond meat sausages, beyond meat burgers, roasted veggies, baked beans with toast, avocado toast.. We drank a tonnnn of La Croix (still hoping for that sponsorship lol). Oh, and we got some gelatin free marshmallows and made some vegan smores.

We went to a little beach in the park too, and oh my gosh, our dog was going nuts. He’s normally so afraid of water and the bath, but he went right to the water and was playing in the waves. He got brave to swim out a little bit, but turned around when his feet didn’t touch the floor anymore haha. I dunno what is was, but he would bark and practically scream when there was a little girl swimming near us. I kinda feel like he was afraid she was drowning! We could only get him to stop when we pulled out a banana haha. (we kept him on leash cause we didn’t want him to run away)

FYI, we make sure to use flea, tick, mosquito, heartworm, etc drop every month. I swatted away any flies or mosquitos that came near him, and I don’t think he got any bites! Yahoo! He was so super tired at the end of everyday, it was so cute. He gets super snuggly when he’s sleepy too - bonus! Camping with a dog can be stressful at times, but the cuteness definitely makes it worth it haha.

I know now to take more pictures of the in-between moments like cooking, playing games, chatting, set up and tear down.. Next time I’ll definitely have better photos! These were all just from my phone; I brought a disposable camera with me, but didn’t finish the roll. Maybe I’ll have a summer round up of film photos or something? Anyway, here’s a little photo dump from the rest of the camping trip. Lotsa trees coming your way!

Someone said that Jerome and I don’t seem like we camp. I’ve always wondered how we don’t seem like we camp….? We do a lotta stuff and, shocker, camping is one of them! Lol. Do you think we’re not the camping type?

Are youuuu the camping type?!
(Why is there a camping type anyway - can’t we all just get along?)

x Melissa