First thing I checked off on my 30 Before 30 Bucket List? I got my 3 year old film finally developed! Yahhoooo! I was soo afraid when we went it to get the film developed because: a) it was 3 years old, b) I thought I had all the settings wrong, and c) I hadn’t used a film camera in years. I was 99% sure the film from our time in Portland was going to be a waste, but man was I wrong. I LOVE how they turned out! I also got film developed from our visit to Vancouver which was also 3 years ago (time fliesssss). Yes, it was expensive to get all that developed, but it’s so exciting finally seeing the photos.

The thing about shooting on film is that you don’t know how the photos will turn out until you develop them. As you’ll see in the photos I share, some of them have a rectangular light leak in the middle, and some have a black line going straight across the entire photo. I don’t really know why either of those happened, but it could be because the film wasn’t loaded right, the sensor was dirty, the film got a bit messed up in processing - anything really. To me though, it just adds to the character and excitement of film. The light leaks and the black lines don’t bother me at all, and I really love the photos that much more with those things there.

Portland: canon beach, haystack rock, ecola state park, multnomah falls

vancouver: cleveland dam, stanley park

For all of the photos I’ve shared, they were taken with my dad’s old camera that he passed down to me a few years ago. It’s the most precious thing I own, and I just love shooting with it. (How many times can I say love in one post lol). The film I used was just bought from Walmart and Fred Meyers (a U.S grocery store), so they’re nothing special or fancy haha. I didn’t want to use expensive film for my first time back trying it out.

I got a bunch of film for Christmas, so I’m excited to use them. I gotta find somewhere photogenic asap! I have plans for those babies! Feeling inspired and stoked to get more into film photography!! *insert arm flexing emoji*

x Melissa