Because I’m still not getting many photography jobs, I thought I’d pick up blogging again. I’ve kinda cast it aside these last few months yes, because of Covid, but also because I had the hopes of my photography career picking up. Ha and also ha. What does this have to do with my David’s Tea picks? Absolutely nothing.
It’s fall, and every fall, I go a bit tea crazy. I love me some tea. Jerome and I used to buy from Teavana a lottt, but since it closed we moved onto David’s Tea. We prefer to buy loose leaf tea because 1 it’s better for the environment, and 2 because to me it just tastes better. I’ve tried many a tea from David’s Tea so here’s a rundown of my top picks.

(all loose leaf tea photos belong to David’s Tea)
Okay, I’m a bit of a snooze fest because 4 outta the 6 don’t have caffeine, but I’m still mostly avoiding caffeine (mostly* because matcha is too dang delicious especially after 2 years of ZERO caffeine).
All but the Pumpkin Chai are vegan - we were OBSESSED with the Pumpkin Chai before I cut out caffeine. It’s sooo good.
The pictures below are all linked to the corresponding tea! Give ‘em a little looky if you’re interested :)
Lemme know if I’m missing out on anything from David’s tea. Suggestions always welcome!
☼ Melissa
PS. I like rooibos a lot, so if you don’t this list is pretty useless to you haha.
PSS. This post is obviously not sponsored because I’m a nobody - I just really like tea.
PSSS. It’s Black Friday today, and they have a pretty good sale on: 30%-50% off everything!