H A P P Y   N E W   Y E A R!
I thought I'd make my first post of 2018 about my faves of 2017. They range from fashion to skincare to TV shows to full on randomness. I'm so late in posting this, but I've been having some health issues and haven't been able to do much this whole month.

Anyway, let's jump right in!



I'll start with what I believe to be my most worn shoes of the year. My espadrilles. I wore them from late spring to early fall. (They're from Winners and were like $30!) They have juuuust the right amount of platform to them to add a little somethin' to an outfit. 

Next up is my mini duffle bag purse from Urban Outfitters. Mini purses were v popular in 2017, and there was never really any that caught my eye until I saw this one. I've been using it everyday (even to this day) since I got it.



Skincare is something that I've always struggled with because I am seriously allergic to everything; I use only Lush products on my face. Two products from Lush that really worked for me in 2017 are: Don't Look At Me, which is a bright blue face mask (that smells like Fruit Loops), and Grease Lightning, which I use for spot treatment. I've tried so many brands in different price ranges and the only place that doesn't make me get hives or rashes is Lush.. and I love them for it.



I'm pretty sure that my favourite music-wise for 2017 was John Mayer's A Search for Everything album. I listened to it srsly nonstop. Jerome even got me tickets to see him for my birthday! My favourite song from the album is probablyyyyy.... Moving On and Getting Over.

I've been trying to figure out what my favourite show of the year was.. (other than Game of Thrones cause that obv wins every year for the rest of time). I think right now it's a toss up between Westworld and Attack on Titan: Part 2. It's between those two because I can still remember my reactions to things that happen haha. (I have a very expressive face)


I think our favourite restaurant of the year goes to Fresh. It's a vegetarian place and we've ordered from them an unreasonable amount. Some of our fave things to get are the squash tacos, the urban detox cold pressed juice, the quinoa onion rings, and maybe a cookie or two. 

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Staying at the Buffalo Farm was great because it was nice to be able to disconnect and be out in the peace and quite for once. When you live in the city, it's key to be take time to step away even for a night or two to clear your head.

For my dad's birthday, his request was to go curling together. We've never tried it before, but it was actually so fun. We all fell at least once, and it was srsly so much harder than it looks. My team won (yaaas) and lemme tell ya, my abs were sore the next day! My only suggestion if you ever try curling is to not wear skinny jeans; you can't bend how you need to bend or get as low as you need to go.



Being able to go visit 6 different countries. In 2017, we went to the US, the Philippines, Indonesia, Iceland, the UK, and Spain. We've been very blessed to be able to travel these past couple years. 

One of the best things of the year was our decision to become vegetarians. We've both felt just overall better. We became vegetarian on May 1st after getting back from our trip to the Philippines.
*edit* Unfortunately I am no longer vegetarian due to some health issues I've been dealing with so far this year. I"m super bummed that I didn't reach the one year mark, but hey, sometimes you gotta choose health. I'm now pescatarian. 

So, those were just some random favourites of mine for 2017 - what were some of yours?

I really hope 2017 was a really great year for you, and that 2018 will be even better!

x Melissa