Ah, flying. It’s a thing of wonder, but also it kinda sucks sometimes. Especially when your flight is like 18 hours long! We just flew 13 or so hours each way to and from Japan, so I thought I’d write up a little guide slash how to on how to survive a long haul flight.

Move Around // Try not to just sit down the entire flight. Do some stretches in your seat, be annoying (but responsible) and walk up and down the aisles a couple times, do some squats in the washroom. Keep your blood circulating!

Pack Extra Socks // Not only do your toeses get a little chilly, but sometimes your feet get real stanky after a while, so you better change them before the stench rolls in.

Bring Your Own Snacks // I alwaysalwaysalways have to bring snacks on a long flight. I get hungry every like 2 hours, so I need something to keep the hangry away. Protein bars, chips, cup a’ soup, etc.

Grab a Good Book // I like reading on planes, but I do sometimes get motion sick if the window blind is up. (Is that weird?) Reading passes the time, and it’s a good way to get a bit sleepy haha.

Download Movies // I always download movies or tv shows on Netflix in case theres no tv *gasp* or if the selection ain’t so good. Gotta keep yourself entertained!

Stay Hydrated // Staying hydrated is super important when flying, so make sure you fill up your water bottle before getting on the plane. We bring a couple different bottles to make sure we have enough. Even gatorade is a good thing to drink on a flight apparently.

Use an Eye Mask & Ear Plugs // This. This will help you sleep. Heck, even grab some melatonin!

Bring a Neck Pillow // I know this ain’t for everyone, but ever since I’ve had my neck issues, I’ve made sure to bring a pillow on the plane. Either the U shaped neck pillow or just a small normal pillow helps a lot.

Chew Some Tums // If you’re like me, you get bloated like no tomorrow. My stomach swells up like a volleyball on flights, and the only thing that even slightly helps is Tums.

Don’t Forget Headphones // Don’t forget headphones!! Go grab them right now! I usually bring over the ear headphones as well as ear buds because my ears are sticky-outy so over the ear ones hurt after a while, but then my ear holes are small so buds hurt too. Alternating is key haha.

Pack Some Mini Toiletries // Freshen up. You’ll feel better. A little tooth brush and paste, baby wipes, face wash and lotion and you’ll be good.

Dress Comfortably // Ya, fashion and all that, but when you’re gonna be trapped in the sky for so long, you gotta be comfy. If you’re comfy in jeans, hey ho, do it, but make sure you can snuggle up and catch some z’s if you can.

Fly With Someone You Like // I know sometimes people fly alone, but it doesn’t hurt to have the company of a good friend, significant other or family member. They help pass the time quicker, they give you someone to talk and play games with, they may or may not let you sleep on their shoulder, and they give you comfort during some turbulence.

A little added tip if you will: bring wipes to wipe down your sitting area. I always wipe like, everything. Tv area, arm rests, tray table, window blinds, windows, wall by the window, seatbelt buckle, seatbelt, everything lol.

On one flight that we had, there was this girl that said something like, ‘what the heck is point of taking pictures .. it’s all just land or sky, it’s boring.’ She definitely aimed that comment towards
me because she said it right when I pulled out my phone and took photos.

If you have a flight coming up, long or short, I hope some of these tips help you out a bit. I don’t love flying, so these are all things that I do to make it a little easier. When you’re up in the sky, don’t forget look out the window and marvel at the clouds. Take some photos, don’t care about the random haters, sip some water, and enjoy your flight.

x Melissa