Thanksgiving is one of my favourite holidays and it’s right around the corner!

I thought I’d share a few things that I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving. I snapped some photos of things around my house (mostly plants it seems like) because I really am thankful for every little blessing in my life.

• I'm thankful that God has blessed me with so many things to be thankful for
• I’m thankful for my husband and that he has a career that he loves
• I’m thankful that my husband is able to support our little family while I try to find direction in my own life
• I’m thankful for my parents and their unconditional love
• I’m thankful for the relationship I’ve built with my younger sister because even though we live in different cities we still talk every day
• I’m thankful for my older sister and the encouragement she’s given me my entire life
• I’m thankful for my puppy because he can instantly make people happy cause he's so weird
• I’m thankful for my brothers and sister in law because I suck at making friends and they’re the closest things I have
• I’m thankful that I have a roof over my head
• I’m thankful that I live in Canada
• I’m thankful for being able to explore the world
• I’m thankful that I found the courage to start my blog
• I’m thankful that I was able to learn photography
• I'm thankful for the people that take the time to read my posts

But let's not forget spending time with loved ones, baking pies, eating mashed potatoes with gravy, the smell of pumpkin candles, chai tea, cooler weather, orange leaves, boot season, cosy nights.... (just to name a few more).

There's always so much to be thankful for even when life gets tough and when the world seems so bleak. In the darkest of times, let's try to remember to be thankful for the goodness in the world and let's make sure to spread the love.

This will be my first Thanksgiving as a vegetarian, so wish me luck!

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!


x Melissa