I seriously don’t know why it takes me 5ever to write posts about my travels. I think it’s because I try to hold the memories in my brain, and once I write my blog post it means the trip is just a distant memory…. Alas, it’s time to write about our last two days of our trip to Iceland.

Our second last day was spent driving back to Reykjavik - which was about 3 hours away. We had a couple stops planned, but we stopped wherever our eyes were drawn to. Jerome and I have been to Iceland 2 times before this, but we haven’t experience snow (on the ground) until now! It was really exciting, haha.

Our first stop was to see the Geysirs! We’ve never been to see them before and they were pretty impressive. It was a little ruined because of the amount of tourists, but hey, we were tourists too. A geysir is boiling water that shoots up to 70 meters into the air. We saw really tall ones, but I’m dumb and didn’t catch them on camera.

It was flipping cold, so we couldn’t stay out watching the Geysir for too long, so our next stop was to see Gullfoss which was pretty close. Again, it was freezing cold, so we were like hey Gullfoss okay bye.

We were hoping to stop to get up close to some Icelandic horses, and we were finally able to. Not every farm allows this, but we drove by a farm with signs that said tourists were welcome to pet the horses.

Jerome and I never wanted to go to the Blue Lagoon before. The other times we’ve been to Iceland we didn’t even consider going. You might not know, but my little sister Ally has a really bad back - because of this, we thought it would be a good idea for us to spend our last day at the Blue Lagoon as a break for her bones and muscles, and just for a hecken hot bath lol.

Our entry fee came with free Silica face masks (whatever that is). I, being me, got good ole rashes on my face (I’m allergic to everything) but it was a fun experience.

Everyone look ultra freaky with the goopy masks; it was pretty funny. It was like a cafeteria - a lady just shlopped a clump of the mask into your hand haha. You always see girls taking such lush photos in the Blue Lagoon so obv Ally and I had to have our turns.

IG vs Reality comin’ atcha real hard loll.
(Although you can see my bumpy + rashy face, my exhausted eyes, and my messy hair.) But yolo, you know?

The Blue Lagoon was a fun experience. There are some areas in the lagoon were the water was so super hot that we couldn’t bare it. We got a light snowfall while we were in there, so it was v pretty. The water is just as blue as you expect it to be, the drinks included are meh, theres tons of people, it’s dang cold getting in and outta the water, the change rooms are awkward, but hey, it’s something that you can only experience in Iceland.

Iceland will always have a special place in my heart even if this trip didn’t go completely to plan. I’m not sure when or if we’ll be back, but it was amazing to be able to bring Ally along this time. But where will we go for our next sister trip? That issss the question.. ;)

x Melissa