My Labour Day long weekend was spent camping in the Bruce Peninsula in Northern Ontario, right by Georgian Bay. We spent the days hiking, cooking, swimming, playing games, sitting by the camp fire, and enjoying each others company. I didn't end up taking many photos because my phone died and there was no electricity, I was really enjoying just being out in nature soaking in quality time with my favourite people, and cards got accidentally erased (hate that). So this may not be the most exciting post, but hey, gimme a break.

We hiked through the woods to get to Indian Head Cove and the Grotto. They were cool, but there were just so many people, it made it kind of unappealing. A couple of us climbed through a rock tunnel to get to the cave, but I didn't take many photos on account of being afraid of falling and wrecking my camera. And me being me, I beamed my head on the side of a rock and currently have a lovely bump and bruise.


We saw toads, snakes, chipmunks, and even wild turkeys. Our dog, Producer wasn't too keen on the turkey. It was so much fun to bring him on our trip. He did everything we did. He hiked, climbed rocks, swam. He was a great swimmer, it was ridiculously cute! It makes me want to get another dog so badly hehe.

Our campsite was a 1 minute walk to a lake, and we watched the sunset and stargazed every night. Our first evening there, I slipped and fell in the lake. I was completely soaked, but thankfully, I handed Jerome my phone literally 2 minutes before I fell because I had a funny feeling that something like that would happen to me.

The sunsets were so pretty. The warmth the sun cast onto the water was so pretty. I can't wait to plan our next camping trip. I really want to go camping in the fall because the cooler weather is my absolute favourite. Sitting around the campfire with beanies and cozy sweaters sounds so good to me. Ugh, I cannot wait for fall!


x Melissa